- 500 Series Modal PWM Compressor meticulously developed by the Cranborne Audio team in the UK
- Custom PWM compression circuit and unique ‘Stress’ control for Harmonically-enriched compression effects
- 6 Compression modes - Velvet, Float, Smash, Tame, Glue, and Polish set compression ratio, knee, compression style, and compression rate of change.
- Threshold control and variable-range Attack and Release controls (altered per mode)
- 12-segment LED level meter and 12-segment LED Gain Reduction Meter
- 4 selectable sidechain HPF modes - OFF, 60Hz, 100Hz, 200Hz
- ±20dB Input and Output/Make-up Gain Level to tailor the compression and saturation character to the source
- OptoSync wireless communication between modules for linked controls during stereo operation
- ⅛” TRS socket for linking non-adjacent modules
- Circuit auto-calibration for perfect stereo matching between all modules
- True-bypass IN/OUT switching with complete or post input trim modes available on DIP switch
- Stepped, front-panel controls for quick recall and precise feel